Journal Details

  • Geochemistry Journal

    Publisher SCIJOUR
    E-ISSN 2345-6515
    Print ISSN -
    Chief Editor Prof. Mohammad Hossein Adabi
    Contact email
    Address I.Fakor , Ph.D. Interior Administrator Address : P.O.Box. 34518-18141 Buinzahra-Qazvin-IRAN Tel. No. + 982834228687 E-mail:
    Country Iran
    Impact Factor Or Status Awaiting
    Journal Description

    The Geochemistry Journal is an open-access free of charge journal published three times a year by the SCIJOUR publisher .The journal publishes, papers based on original research which include, but are not limited to, the following: Cosmochemistry , Mineral and Rock Chemistry , Volcanology and Hydrothermal, Isotope Geochemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry, Organic Geochemistry, environmental geochemistry, experimental geochemistry, exploration geochemistry, ocean sciences, geochemical engineering , geomathematics/geostatistics and data processing, geochemical mapping , hydro geochemistry , isotope geochemistry, mineralogy/mineral chemistry, petrology/petro chemistry , pollution & effluent geochemistry, ore geochemistry, petroleum geochemistry, Medical geochemistry, Agricultural geochemistry and another relevant topic.

    Journal Language


    Accessibility Type (Free/Paid)


    Area of Specialization

    Cosmochemistry , Mineral and Rock Chemistry , Volcanology and Hydrothermal, Isotope Geochemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry, Organic Geochemistry, environmental geochemistry, experimental geochemistry, exploration geochemistry, ocean sciences, geochemical engineering , geomathematics/geostatistics and data processing, geochemical mapping , hydro geochemistry , isotope geochemistry, mineralogy/mineral chemistry, petrology/petro chemistry , pollution & effluent geochemistry, ore geochemistry, petroleum geochemistry, Medical geochemistry, Agricultural geochemistry and another relevant topic.

    Starting Year of the Journal


    Online Availability (Yes/No)


    Content Accessibility (Full Text/Abstract/ Table of Content)

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